Many things are changing in our house lately the largest of which is we are remodeling our kitchen. So for three weeks now we have been washing dishes in our tub (and once with the garden hose after I had caulked the tub and could not use it). I intend to post photos once it is complete so hopefully some will come your way next week.
The other change is the girls are finally moving towards having "big girl" beds. On Saturday morning we took one side off each crib. Our creative bumper guard is a pool water noodle wrapped in a fleece blanket. We threaded a nylon cord down the inside of the noodle and then tied it to the crib. I would love to take the credit for this creative bed rail however I got the idea somewhere else long ago. As you can see the girls are not in love with their pillows but seem to sleep well without them. The following pictures were taken at the end of nap time.

Natalie snuggled in.

Amelia who prefers to sleep at the foot of the bed
and perpendicular at that!