Our four year anniversary is not until this Thursday the 16th. But I couldn't wait to show the world what I got Mike in honor of this event*. Am I not the best wife in the world? By this act alone you would think men would be begging to marry me? Sorry guys...I am a one man woman.
He of course knows about this gift, since he picked it out...all 46 inches of it. He knows so much about it he could tell you the 10 digit product code from memory. Honestly I am not sure this is a good thing...it may be a sign of an obsession of some sorts.
The only sad thing is since we do not have the wall mount yet it will sit in the box for days possibly weeks to come. I am not sure Mike can handle the anticipation. And believe me when I say..................I can't wait to see what he get's me for our anniversary!

* ok...so I have to come clean. I didn't really get Mike this for our anniversary. It is "our" money we spent and buying this t.v. has been in the works for a while. But don't you think that I should at least get half the credit for agreeing to it??? Trust me....half is still alot!