Thursday, June 18, 2009


So far this summer has been filled with sleep training for Sam and toilet training for the girls. Some days are more successful than others. I can't say these issues add to our summertime fun but they are things we need to get done.

Today Natalie provided some comic relief to the whole potty-training process.

She had just used the toilet and I wiped her clean. We went into her room to put on her diaper (not yet attempting underwear). In the process I noticed some extra toilet paper stuck in her bottom.

Me: "Natalie hold still. I have to get some toilet paper out of your bottom."

Natalie: "Oh, Mama. I think an ant put it there."

Now I have seen ants carrying amazing things. But I am pretty sure they did not put the t.p. in there.

What and imagination she has!

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