Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Can you change your mind?

When looking at the following photo in a frame at our house Amelia asked, "Mom who is in the pink shirt?"

I was across the room at the time and could not remember so I got up to take a closer look. "Well honey Natalie is wearing pink and that is you in the orange shirt"

I walked away to continue folding laundry. There was this deafening silence of disappointment in the room. You see...both Natalie and Amelia love everything pink. So I was waiting to see what type of reaction she was going to have. To be honest I was expecting a full out tantrum because Amelia believes that if there is only ONE pink item...then it must be hers.

The silence went on for at least a minute as Amelia pondered my answer. All the while Natalie stood there absorbing the fact that for ONCE she won out on the pink item when 99% of the time Amelia seems to get her way.

Then.... very meekly and quietly Amelia says "Mama, do you think you could change your mind? I really like pink. See (pointing to herself) I am wearing pink pj's today. Do you think you could change your mind and I could be the one in the pink and Natalie in the orange."

I had to fight back my smile as I quickly tried to find a nice way to say that I can't change the fact that back in the summer of 2008 it was Natalie who wore the pink shirt. And to be honest I contemplated lying (and changing my mind) just to make my life easier at the moment.

Just as I was starting my rebuttal Natalie saved the day "It's ok Amelia, that is you in the pink and I am wearing orange. I like orange, it's ok you can wear the pink."

So in the end...crisis averted...all because Natalie took one (again) for the team.

Love Ya, Nat!

1 comment:

Pia said...

Oh, the girls are just so beautiful!! And boy, their personalities!!! If I remember back, I think Amelia was always the feisty one! How lovely!! I hope your Christmas remains wonderful!!!
