Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Rest Time Redecorating

Before rest time today

After rest time today

There is a saying in the twin world-
"When it is too quiet be worried. Very, very worried."

Someday I might laugh...but not today.

The bittersweet thing is Natalie has always wanted the tree decal on her side.
And Amelia just wanted to be nice and give it to her.

too bad the thing cost $50

like I said...not today


Pia said...

Oh those girls!!

Actually, I love their "art"... what a precious moment of their childhood. Those are the kind of things you just can't plan, the real 'juice' of life! I say, go buy a cool looking frame and put it around it. It will look great and what a fun story!

Best to you and the fam!

Annie Oakes said...

my favorite is the appearance that they even painted their names as they are green in the before and red/pink in the after!