Natalie and Amelia are flying high relishing every moment of just today turning five!
The anticipation of today for them has almost been unbearable.
Their excitement throughout the daily countdown has brought us such joy.
Check back later this week for photos from their special day.
I try each year on their birthday to convey my feelings and thoughts
about life with these special girls.
It is a challenging task that I mainly do for myself but if you
would like to share in my random ramblings feel free to read on.
Where the time has gone I have no idea.
All week long I have been a bit
melancholy at the thought
of the girls officially hitting the "grade school" years.
Don't get me wrong my heart rejoices at the miracles they are.
Truth be told most days I can hardly wrap my mind around
how lucky Mike and I are to have living micropreemies.
To be able to laugh at two little girls who statistically
did not have much chance of surviving.
To be amazed at the vocabulary and wit of daughters
who in all reality should be developmentally delayed.
There are days when I find it hard to remember the first year with them.
Being a new parent is a struggle for most.
Surprise twins and 3 months early at that could send most people into a tailspin.
The early months in the hospital seem like another life so long ago.
The sleepless nights, the never-ending feedings, the crying,
the aching arms, the walking, the bouncing, the soothing...
was that really me?
Were they really that needy and small?
Quite frequently when people find out I have twins
they comment on a wish to have multiples too.
And my reply every single time...
"Are you nuts? Get your head examined!"
I think people believe I am kidding.
Most of the time I am not.
For the record I would not change my life.
My "Nat" and my "Meals"
My "Sassy Pants" and my "Sweet One"
They are mine.
(and of course Mike's too)
Having them has changed me in ways that may take years for me to realize.
Having twins has changed me into a more
flexible, free and enjoyable person to be around.
Being a mom has made me appreciate my own mother so much more.
I have traveled the road of motherhood.
At times veered off course due to the fog of exhaustion and frustration.
Where Natalie and Amelia are going to take me God only knows.
But what I do know is that looking back they have already taken me so far.
The road behind me is not flat, nor pothole free.
The road behind me was not on my original well planned map of life.
But I am so thankful, so utterly speechless, so humbly blessed to have my girls.

Happy 5th Birthday Natalie and Amelia!
We love you!
Mom, Dad and little Sam