Monday, November 3, 2008

Excitement and Disappointment

There is a sense of excitement in our house today as we had our hour long ultrasound and got to see so much more of our new family member. Everything about this little one is perfect and we could not be happier.

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There also is a sense of disappointment in our house as the girls want the new baby to be a sister. If you check out the anatomy the arrow above is pointing to you will understand why the girls are feeling a bit down and out. Needless to say their disappointment was fleeting as they soon were curious to look at photos of their new baby brother.


elizabeth said...

congrats!!! boys make life up now :)

Caryn said...

ditto to eliza!

4under3 said...

Oh fun!!! A new baby!! Congrats!

And ook at your girls. Holding hands, and lovin' on eachother!!
So sweet!

And, did I read right? You had "surprise" twins? Like, as in, you didn't know you were having twins until you delivered?

Am I thinking straight here? Please do explain!!


p.s. Regardless, I'll definitly be back here.