Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The World According to N and A- Part 1

Random thought:

The other day we saw a car that had been in a fender bender. Here is what the girls thought...

"Mama that car needs a band-aid, some ice, a lollipop, and a sticker!"

I am assuming they got some of their ideas from their favorite show Dora. We don't offer much more than kisses for "boo-boos" these days. They don't like band-aids and ice and I am not sure if we have ever given them a lollipop. Stickers...well I like to scrapbook so I always have some of those on hand.

Another thought:

You know those balls that hang from electrical wires as warning for airplanes? Our route to work/daycare leads us over a bridge where you can see some of these warning balls spanning the river.

Girls: "Mama, look at those golf balls!"

Me: "I see them. What are those golf balls on?"

Girls: "A hang-glider!"

What???? A hang-glider.....I hate to say it but I think they got that one from Diego, which is another favorite t.v. show of theirs.

If I keep posting like this people are going to think all we let our kids do is watch t.v.....Trust me...we don't.

1 comment:

elizabeth said...

ha ha. the world definitely revolves around dora & diego!

can i just say i'm totally impressed by how much your girls talk. they aren't much older than ryan and he's pretty much a one word guy.